What We're Thankful for This Year
It’s that time of year again, when people pause to reflect on the things they’re thankful for. Allow us to take this opportunity to share with you the things that we are grateful for, both as a company and as individuals.
Our Clients…
…who place their faith and trust in us to help protect their homes, their families, their businesses and their assets from risk.
Our Team Members…
…who not only go out of their way each and every day to serve our clients and their families, but who dedicate their own personal time, energy and resources to better the community in which we work, live and play.
Our Carriers…
…with whom we partner to make sure our clients have access to the most comprehensive coverage at the most affordable rates available in the market at all times.
Our Community
…who, though too many to list in their entirety, continue to demonstrate their commitment to making our home towns and neighborhoods the best they can possibly be, including the Macomb Charitable Foundation, Macomb Township Parks and Recreation Department, our local public school systems, the first responders in our neighborhoods, and nonprofit organizations across southeastern Michigan that champion causes near and dear to our own hearts, such as The Gift of Life, among countless others!
And, Finally, for Referrals…
…for which we are eminently grateful, as they serve to underscore the value we are providing to those who place their trust in us.
(We have a special way to give thanks to them!)
Join Us in Giving the Gift of Gratitude!
In this special time that comes around just once a year, we hope you will join us in emphasizing “The Power of Positivity” this Thanksgiving, which has become our corporate mantra this gift-giving season — one we promise to extend into our New Year's Resolutions for 2025!